EA Recruiting + Coaching Done Right!

Sourcing and development of your next

full-time Executive Assistant


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A High-Performing Executive Assistant is Your

First Step Towards 10x'ing Your Business.


Stop using your gut.

Start using science and a proven system.


What the Right EA Can Do for You:

  • 10x Your FreedomCreate space for you to focus on doing what you do best

  • 10x Your Confidence: Ensure that things are moving forward on your behalf without your direct involvement

  • 10x Your Impact: Help you make your most impactful contribution™

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We Get Entrepreneurs & We Get Admins


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This powerful collaboration between Vision Spark and Delegate brings a combined track record of over 25 years of experience recruiting, training and coaching up EAs to support entrepreneurial leaders. Our deep experience of tirelessly working alongside entrepreneurs to solve their "WHO" challenges brings you a results-focused, custom-tailored search and onboard system that fits your unique culture and 10x workstyle.

Vision Spark

Served over 400+ entrepreneurial businesses to help identify the right person for the right seat.

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Delegate Logo Collab

Sourced and trained over 175+ EAs to support over 450+ entrepreneurial businesses.


A Proven System for the Executive Assistant Search


How it Works: The EA Maximizer System™ uses a series of proprietary tools and processes to help you find and onboard a high-performing Executive Assistant.


The Science Behind the System Ensures the Right-Fit


Our collective toolbox is built from 25+ years of experience helping entrepreneurs build their own delegation dream teams.

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Identifies the qualities, characteristics and personality dimensions of your right-fit superstar  EA.



A skilled eye coupled with our proprietary tools for screening and vetting identifies top level EA candidates.



Uses science to find the perfect combination of learned skills, experience and core values fit you are looking for in your EA.



Customized coaching and development tools created to maximize EA success in an entrepreneurial environment.

Want to learn more?  Let's connect.

We'd love to learn more about your unique needs and explore how we can help you find your right-fit Executive Assistant.  Simply complete the form below and one of our search team members will be in touch to schedule a Discovery Call.

As Seen In:

nytimes NBC News Forbes strategic coach INC huff post new CNBC

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