At Delegate Solutions, we believe our greatest assets are our Team Members.

They have all come to us with executive level experience, a love of helping others succeed and an innate affinity for our methodology.


Our process is simple: Our Leadership team nominates one team member who has really raised the bar for excellence in client satisfaction and diligence in following our internal processes over the past month. Next, our entire team gets to nominate one of their peers for their embodiment of our core values (as outlined in our manifesto). While every member of our team is outstanding, we are proud to publicly honor them individually each month for their exceptional qualities.

Leadership Nominated Rockstar is:


ds_Rebecca-Slagowski (1)

Why she’s chosen:

Rebecca is this month’s Leadership choice for Rockstar! Our Leadership team nominated Rebecca because no matter what the challenge or obstacles, Rebecca has proven herself to be an outstanding member of our team. She is diligent and consistent with internal reporting, which reduces complexity and sets an awesome standard for her teammates. Rebecca is really appreciated by our clients for her ability to follow-through and handle complex strategies with ease. She is always ready to lend a helping hand, as is shown by all the positive feedback from the Support Group she is hosting. Rebecca is a true model of our core values. Although it appears effortless, we know she puts her heart and soul into her work with us.  Thank you Rebecca. xoxo 

Peer Nominated Rockstar is:



Why she’s chosen:

Gennipher is this month’s Peer Nominee for RockStar! One of her teammates puts it perfectly, “Gennipher’s positivity and willingness to help makes her a terrific person to work with!” Another teammate shared, “Her work is quality...and she still picks up tasks when others are unavailable in the STM channel.”  Thank you, Gennipher, for embodying our core values and sharing what Delegate is all about. We are so grateful and happy to have you on our team!

How we select our Rockstar:



One member is chosen by the Leadership Team based on their:


1-Contribution to our Shared Learning


2-Attention to detail with our internal reporting process


3-Support with new team members


4-Attendance at our weekly team meetings and Monthly Training






And the 2nd ROCK STAR is chosen by their peers


Because of their demonstrated connection to at least one of our core values —

• Operate with honesty and integrity


• Proactively seek ways to create value for our clients


• Act as generous, friendly, resourceful problem solvers


• Create a wow experience for our clients


• Remain goals-focused honoring our commitments